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Athletic Forms

Ola Family,
We are now using the Aktivate platform for all athletic physicals. When getting a physical the only forms that will need to be filled out are the Physical Examination Form and Medical Eligibility Form that have the physician's signature.  Both of these forms will need to be uploaded to the Aktivate platform.  All other information and forms can be filled out online.
Physical Form
Physical forms must be completely filled out and turned in yearly in order for a student to be eligible to participate in a sports program at a Henry County School.  Physicals are valid for 1 year.
Athletic Information and Consent Forms

The Athletic Information and Consent Form is necessary paperwork that must be filled out and turned in prior to student athletes trying out for a sports team in the Henry Co. School System. This form consist of several sections and must be filled out completely.


 Consent Form

Henry County Heat & Humidity Policy

The Henry County Board of Education has drawn up guidelines concerning sports practices on days that are extremely hot or humid. This form must be signed by student athletes and parents before trying out for a sport at a Henry County School.  Please only return page 1.

Concussion Awareness Form
Concussions at all levels of sports have received a great deal of attention and a state law has been passed to address this issue. Adolescent athletes are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a concussion.


 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form 

 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form