REACH Scholarship
REACH Scholarship Program
The OMS Counseling Department would like to provide information about the REACH (Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen) scholarship program. Students in 8th grade who meet the eligibility criteria can submit an application to possibly be selected to participate in this program.
If your student is eligible to apply, please fully complete the application and return it to Mrs. Gilchrist via email ( or your student may bring it to me in person by Wednesday, September 4th, 2024. If needed, printed copies of the application are available in the counseling office.
Henry County School District is continuing (Year 5) the partnership with the Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen (REACH) Program to provide scholarship opportunities to economically disadvantaged, academically promising Henry County 8th grade students. The scholars will be in the program until they graduate high school, as long as they meet eligibility requirements each year. Each REACH scholar will receive $10,000 (upon high school graduation & maintaining eligibility) towards tuition at their chosen college or university. Moreover, there are some colleges and universities that will match the funding. The REACH Georgia Scholarship is a tremendous opportunity to support families in reaching post-secondary attainment without the financial barrier.
Selection Process (Eligibility)
The REACH Program Regulations provide requirements for student eligibility. Eligible students must:
-Be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen for 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of classes of the spring term of the REACH Scholar's 7th grade school year.
-Demonstrate financial need (see Page 2 of attached application).
-Have attained grades of "C" or better in core courses for the past two reporting periods (semester system) or four reporting periods (quarter system).
o Not be truant.
o Have a behavior record that reflects no more than two total combined Level I and/or Level II disciplinary infractions.
o Not have any out-of-school suspensions in the past two semesters or four quarters.
o Not have any criminal and/or drug convictions.
**Note: Students' GTID are located in Infinite Campus (Student or Parent Version). Once logged in, click more, then click GTID.
Please CLICK HERE to view the REACH application.
**Additional information can be located on the REACH GA, GA Futures website: