What is the reading requirement?
- Each child will be responsible for turning in a reading log at the end of each semester.
- This document will be completed in their notebook.
- I will have a conference with students each term about their progress.
- Students will keep track of the book's Lexile level and total amount of pages completed.
- School rewards will be earned for reaching their goal.
How can I help my child?
- Be sure to check infinite campus for your child's grades.
- Make sure they are reading every day.
- Attendance is vital to their success in middle school.
How will the class period be organized?
- Lessons will be focused on grammar, reading, and writing.
- The class will begin with a mini-lesson and/or teacher read-aloud.
- Students will reflect on the daily lesson.
- Students will work through the lesson with the teacher.
- Then they will be given time to work independently.
- At the end of the period, I will end with a closing and review any additional instructions they need to follow.