Welcome Team 703 Parents and Students
Subject I Teach: 7th Grade Science
REMIND CODE: @omsdobbs
School Supplies List:
Charged Chromebook
Pencil or Pen (with replacement lead or hand sharpener)
3-subject spiral notebook
1 Pocket Folder
Classroom Donations:
Please click on the link to view my Amazon wishlist. No donation is too small.
Welcome to 7th grade!
This will be a fun and engaging year for students. I've spent the last 12 years teaching Science and Social Studies and I am proud to call Ola Middle home. I am married and have a daughter who is a 10th grader at Ola High. We also have a dog named Oscar, who we rescued and is still very much a puppy. We also have 4 chickens named Henrietta, Cheese Puff, Cora and Nuggett.
I believe this year will be a wonderful school year. Please understand that I will give you any information that I have as soon as I receive it. I believe in keeping the lines of communication open and strive to do what is best for my students. As you encounter bumps in the road, please reach out to me immediately so that I can begin to work on a solution.
You will receive updates from me via Infinite Campus periodically detailing upcoming assignments and due dates. Make sure you have a login and password and check this on a weekly basis. Also, please check to make sure your email address is correct in Infinite Campus. If not, you will NOT receive classroom updates. If you are having difficulty with your Infinite Campus login, please contact the counselling office.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns you may have via email (jennifers.dobbs@henry.k12.ga.us)
Thank you for your help and support!
Ola Middle School
Team 703 Science