For the last seven years, I have had the priviledge of serving the OMS family as the Dean of Students, a teacher, an 8th grade exceptional student educator, and as a wrestling coach. This year I was blessed with a new opportunity to serve as the OMS Mental Health & Wellness Administrator. That's a unusual tltle, so let me clarify:
First - I facilitate, evaluate and provide comprehensive services to the school community that ensures growth in student health, overall wellness, and the support structures within our school.
That means my job is to help create a positive and safe environment for ALL of our OMS family.
Second - I am charged with creating opportunities to overcome barriers;
I’m a bridge builder who helps identify opportunities and break barriers for our students, teachers, and staff.
Third - Our mission is to equip those served with the necessary resources and tools to succeed both socially and emotionally.
Basically, I help connect the dots between needs and available resources (inside and outside the school) for our students, staff, and families.
The bottom line is…
I am an ally and an advocate to the students, the staff, the families of this community, and to YOU!