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Georgia Studies Syllabus

Georgia Studies Syllabus



Georgia Studies Syllabus




Teacher: Mr. Jones

Subject: Georgia Studies


Team:  802




The units that are covered in Georgia Studies are:


Geography and Economic Growth in Georgia (Unit 1)

Early Exploration of Georgia (Unit 2)

Colonial Georgia (Unit 3)

Revolution to Independence (Unit 4)

Foundations of Georgia’s Government (Unit 5)

Statehood and Westward Expansion (Unit 6)

The Civil War in Georgia (Unit 7)

Reconstruction (Unit 8)

Georgia and the Long Civil Rights Movement (Unit 9)

The New South (Unit 10)

Georgia through Conflict (Unit 11)

Post WWII and 20th Century Georgia (Unit 12)

Local Governments and Juvenile Justice in Georgia (Unit 13)

Personal Finance (Unit 14)




Assessment/Quizzes:  40%

Classwork/Practice work/Homework:  40%

Semester Finals:  20%




Examples of assignments that students will be working on are as follows:


Class work: class discussion, individual participation/work ethics, reading, notes, collaborative group work

Assessments: unit tests, vocabulary tests, and quizzes



Class Expectations and Procedures and Important Information:



  1. Come to class prepared (Computer and other necessary materials).
  2. Be honest, respectful and responsible.
  3. Give 100% effort to your work.
  4. Follow all the rules the first time given.
  5. Use the phone caddy in the classroom. 


  1. Notes will be completed. Students will fill in the standards addressed, essential questions and answer the essential questions. These will be discussed before moving on to the daily assignment.
  2. Directions for the daily assignment will be discussed. It is IMPERATIVE that students listen clearly in order to understand what is expected and how the assignment is to be completed. Assignments can/will be done individually or as a group. When in a group, ALL students are expected to participate.
  3. At the end of class, we will wrap up with any questions or discussions that need to be addressed before leaving class.


Important information to remember:

  • Cell phones and listening devices (air pods, ear buds, headphones, etc.) are not allowed during class. (Please see Cell Phone Policy)
  • It is the responsibility of the student to get his or her make-up work when absent.
  • All assignments and information will be posted in Google Classroom.
  • Complete and turn in all assignments/work by the due dates (IMPORTANT).




The following websites are great tools for you to use while in my class and during the entire school year. You are highly encouraged to use them on a regular basis for communication and educational purposes and to stay on top of school information:


(Mr. Jones’ website)

(OMS website)








Parents, you are encouraged also to check Google Classroom and Infinite Campus daily to keep up with what we are working on and/or what maybe missing in my class.