Phone: 770-288-2108 Remind: Text @elalindsey to 81010
Qualifications: Bachelors Degree in Middle Grades Education Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Education Specialist Degree in Instructional Technology
Ms. Lindsey
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year and our Language Arts Classroom! This is my 23rd year as a teacher and my 18th year at Ola Middle School! I love being a Mustang, and I love teaching 8th grade students! It's going to be a great 8th grade year. I look forward to meeting all of you at Open House or on the first day of school. It is my goal to ensure that I equip you with all of the knowledge and tools necessary in order to be an effective communicator in a global community. We will focus on reading and writing strategies, as well as listening and speaking with our peers. This year we will work diligently in order to prepare for high school and beyond. We are Ola, and we will have great success this school year!
Please feel free to reach out if you have a question or concern. The best way to contact me is through email or the Remind app. My email address is:
You can also send me a REMIND message if you have questions about class. Text @elalindsey to 81010 to sign up for REMIND!