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I look forward to working with each of you this year. We will be doing lots of fun and challenging things this year in Language Arts.  
Infinite Campus - this is a great resource for checking your child's grades and progress.  Grades are updated weekly so make sure you log on to see how your child is doing in each of their classes.  I will also send out messages through Infinite Campus. They may be regarding missing work, upcoming tests, project information, or anything else I feel is important for you to know about.  Please make sure your information is up to date for Infinite Campus, so you will receive all of my messages.  
What can you do to help your child have a successful first year in middle school?
Your child should be reading for at least 30 minutes a night.  Reading helps your child with both fluency and comprehension.  Make sure they choose what they would like to read to ensure success.  They should also be reviewing their work daily.  Each week your student will have some sort of assessment for our class.  It may be a review of learned content, vocabulary, and/or content that was covered in that week's lessons.  
Please check their progress nightly for completed tasks or upcoming deadlines.  PLEASE make sure your child has a charged computer, a one subject spiral notebook, a book to read (either online or a personal book), as well as a quiet place to learn.  All assignments, notes, and reminders will be posted on our Google Classroom page.  
Writing will be a big focus for our students this year.  They will take a writing assessment at the beginning,middle, and end of the school year to monitor their growth throughout the year.  
Please feel free to contact me via email anytime with questions or concerns.  I look forward to a wonderful year full of learning and fun.