What if I need help with something?
How do I locate assignments?
All assignments will be posted in Google Classroom. Students will be submitting their work through Google Classroom using Google Forms, Google Docs, and Google Slides.
How often is work posted?
Google Classroom is updated daily. Assignments are due by Friday unless stated otherwise. Grades are posted once a week.
What if I need additional help?
I can be reached Monday - Friday between the hours of 8AM - 4 PM. The fastest way to reach me is through email. You can also send me a private message through Google Classroom or GoGuardian Chat. I will also provide individual/small group ELA remediation on Fridays as needed. I want all of my students to be successful, so please let me know if your child is ever struggling and needs additional support.
What is the best resource to use while I am learning?
The best resource will be Google Classroom. It will contain all the necessary links needed to be successful.
What web sites will be used this year?
Read Works
HMH online textbook
Overdrive (library book check out)
How can I stay updated?
Weekly updates about what we will be doing in class will be sent via infinite campus. Please be sure your email address is correct.