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Jr.Beta Seal
OMS Jr. Beta Club
We are excited to begin a
new year of achievement
and service...are you?
Meeting Location:
Google Meet (Virtually)
Chorus Room (In Person)

OMS Beta Club 2021-2022 School Year

  • This year Beta Club will be led by Mr. Barfield and Mrs. Loughner
  • The Beta Club Convention is still occuring according to their website. They will either host the convention in Savnnah or virtually.
  • While still opperating during a global pandemic Ola Middle school's involvemnet this year will be determined as we approach the date.

Virtual Meetings (if needed): Use the Google Meet Code OMSBETA 

 Schedule for 2021-2022:

  • August 19th- [7:30-8:15]
  • September 2nd- [7:30-8:15]
  • October 7th- [7:30-8:15]
  • November 4th- [7:30-8:15]
  • December (TO BE DETERMINED)
  • January 13th- [7:30-8:15]
  • February 3rd- [7:30-8:15]
  • March 3rd- [7:30-8:15]
  • April 14th- [7:30-8:15]
  • May 5th- Beta Party [7:30-8:15]


Click here if you want to JOIN the OMS BETA CLUB (FOR ANY NEW MEMBERS/6th GRADERS)

Click here to access the Beta Meeting Attendance Form

Click here to access the Volunter Hours Form


Join the Beta Google Classroom for more information:


Also Join the Beta Remind for updated information:


Qualifications for Membership
1.  Previous enrollment by official induction into club.  You must provide proof of membership and name of school in which you were inducted in order for an official transfer to occur.
2.  Following the first semester, students being honored for all A's and A/B Honor Roll will be issued an open invitation to apply to be a member of Beta Club.  Teacher recommendations will be required for proof of good behavior and leadership characteristics.
3.  Students will maintain good behavior and Honor Roll status throughout membership in order to remain an active member.  Without active membership, students will not be allowed to participate in club activities and will be put on probation.  Continued misbehavior and poor grades will result in being dismissed from the club.