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Information ~ Freshman Class Officers

Applications Due on Wednesday, May 4th

If you are interested in running for an SGA Freshman class officer position, please pick up an application from Mrs. Griffis (Room 607), complete it, and return (signed by a parent) to Mrs. GriffisAll applications are due by 4:00pm on Friday, May 3rd. I will notify students on Tuesday, May 7th to let them know if they are eligible to run for a class officer position.

Ola High School SGA Code of Conduct and Constitution

OHS Freshman Class Officer 


 Dear Prospective Officer & Parent/Guardian,

You are choosing to embark upon an exciting and rewarding opportunity to represent your class as a class officer.  It will be a year filled with fun and excitement but a lot of hard work.  As you complete the process,  please be aware of the expectations.

  1. You must conduct yourself as a leader at all times.  Student Government is the backbone of the school. 
  2. You are to attend each meeting and event.  If an emergency arises, fill out the Meeting Excuse Form on the SGA web page.  The Code of Conduct explains how many meetings you can miss.
  3. We work as a team.  I will guide you as a group, but you are the coordinators of the events.  I will remain supportive and assist whenever necessary, but remember, this is a student-led organization.
  4. Respect members of the officer team and the sponsor.  If a situation arises that needs to be addressed, please contact the sponsor or the President in an effort  to ensure that everyone gets along and communication remains open.
  5. Respect the confidentiality of our meetings and items discussed.  This is not a place for gossip and some topics may be more sensitive than others.
  6. Remember you are making a yearlong commitment.  Things that are planned for the school year cannot be carried out without your commitment and cooperation.

 If you have questions, please contact Sarah Griffis (Rm. 815) or email

Thank you again for your decision to run for class office.  


Campaigning Rules

  • Campaign posters are limited to standard poster size or smaller.  Posters shall contain proper grammar and spelling, be in good taste and be positive in nature.
  • Campaign materials shall contain proper grammar and spelling, be in good taste, and be positive in nature.  No campaigning of a negative or derogatory nature will be allowed. 
  • Students may give out or wear campaign stickers and cards, but NO FOOD or other items are to be used as a campaign tool.  Candidates may have friends assist in their campaign.
  • At no time may campaigning disrupt any class or other activity.
  • Failure to meet any of the deadlines below, could disqualify you from running for office.

Campaigning Videos 

You may make a one-two minute campaign video which will be shared to 8th grade students.  A short example of a campaign video would be: “My name is __________, and I am running for Senior Class President.  As a current member of student government, the volleyball team, Beta Club, and FFA, I have come in contact with the diverse community that makes Ola High School what it is.  As Class President I would…”

  Election Timeline 

May 2:  Informational meeting for candidates at 12:30 in Mrs. Griffis' room (optional)

May 3:  Applications (including parent signature) to run for office due to Mrs. Griffis by 4:00pm.

May 7:  Approved candidates notified (after grades and discipline are checked)

May 10: Video of short campaign speeches due to Mrs. Griffis- by 8:00am

May 13-14:  Campaigning takes place

May 15:  Voting will take place during 1st period (Ballot will be in Math Google Classroom)

May 15:  All campaign signs should be removed by the end of the school day.