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What is SGA?

Ola Middle School Student Government Association (OMS SGA)


The purpose of the OMS Student Government Association (SGA) is to forge a partnership between students and faculty, staff and administration.  In order to achieve its purpose, the OMS SGA shall include but not be limited to:

  • Working closely with the school administration.
  • Working to create and/or notify the student body of opportunities to realize the full potential of the middle school experience.
  • Supporting activities which supplement academic goals.
  • Supporting activities that are designed to aid in the social adjustment and maturation of students.
  • Directly reflecting student needs and interests in the promotion of school activities.


The membership shall be comprised of:

  • Elected OMS SGA officers
  • Senators (must complete an application and meet all eligibility requirements including good references)
  • At least one faculty advisor/sponsor

  Initial and Continued Eligibility

  • All officers and representatives must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and be passing all classes..
  • All officers and representatives must have a good behavior record.
  • All officers and representatives must be able to attend meetings before or after school.
  • All members of OMS SGA are considered school leaders who must set an example for their classmates.  Students must adhere to policies of the Henry County Board of Education and Ola Middle School.
  • If at any time students elected or appointed fail to meet the above criteria, he or she may be removed from OMS SGA.

OMS SGA Positions and Officers

SGA President

Must be an 8th grade student and will be elected by the student body.

Duties include:

  • Work with advisor to prepare meeting agendas
  • Preside over meetings
  • Attend all meetings and events
  • Meet with administration as needed
  • Other duties as assigned by advisor


SGA Vice-President

Must be a 7th or 8th grade student and will be elected by the student body.

Duties include:

  • Ensures committees meet deadlines
  • Prepares flyers and writes announcements as necessary
  • Assists the president and advisor as needed
  • Attends all meetings and events 


SGA Secretary

Must be a 7th or 8th grade student and will be elected by the student body.

Duties include: 

  • Takes notes at all meetings and sends to advisor
  • Takes attendance at all meetings and events
  • Takes pictures of all events

SGA Treasurer

Must be a 7th or 8th grade student and will be elected by the student body.

Duties include: 

  • Keeping records of money collected.
  • Keeping records on budgets for projects.
  • Assisting sponsor in collecting money.
  • Reporting financial information to the SGA members.


Duties in include:

  • Attend ALL scheduled meetings. Three unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the Council.
  • Solicit input from your classmates. You ARE their representative. It is also your job to keep your assigned homeroom informed of all upcoming events and activities.
  • Act responsibly at all meetings and at all activities or events sponsored by the Council. You are expected to represent Ola Middle appropriately.
  • Contribute time and effort to help make each SGA sponsored activity the best it can be.
  • Keep grades as high as possible. A review of grades will occur following each grading period.Good citizenship is a must. SGA is a team effort.