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Attendance Information

Mandatory School Attendance

As mandated by the Henry County Board of Education

and the State Board of Education


“When you miss school, you miss out!”

To get in touch with the attendance office, email or call 770-288-2108 and speak to Ms. Mings.

Frequent absences, tardies, and/or checkouts from school are detrimental to the academic success of individual students and classmates. Students should arrive at school on time and should remain in school for the complete school day.  


School Starts: 9:00 A.M.                                   School Releases: 4:00 P.M.


No Checkouts after 3:15 pm




Based on Georgia Law (20-2-690.1) and State Board of Education Rule (JB), any child between the ages of 6 and 16 who during the school calendar year has more than five days of unexcused absences from school will be considered truant. The legal penalties and consequences for truancy include referral of parents, guardians, or custodians to State Court and referral of juveniles to Juvenile Court for prosecution.




Any student that is absent from school must bring a handwritten note or a medical doctor’s excuse the first day he/she returns to school for the absence to be excused. Please review the list of excused absences in the HCS Student Handbook.


We will only accept a total of 4 absences excused by handwritten notes from homeAfter 4 handwritten notes or a total of 10 days absent (excused or unexcused), a medical doctor’s excuse will be required to excuse any future absence. In addition, if a student is absent due to a sickness resulting in 3 or more days absent, a medical doctor’s note will be required to excuse the absence.


Tardies and Early Checkouts

Any student who is not in class by 9:00 a.m. is considered tardy. All check-ins after 9:00 a.m. will be unexcused unless you have a medical doctor/dentist excuse. All checkouts will be unexcused unless we receive a medical doctor/dentist excuse the first day the student returns.


Parents of students with excessive absences, tardies, or checkouts may be required to attend a meeting to set-up an attendance contract, with the counselor, social worker and administration.


Thank you in advance for ensuring that your child has regular and punctual school attendance.




I have read the above attendance policy/procedure for Ola Middle School and I understand, as a parent, it is my responsibility to make sure my child arrives at school on time and should remain in school for the complete school day.


________________________           ________________________            ____________

Student Name                                             Parent Signature                                          Date